A little bit goes a long way......you only need to feel it out there.....trust that it is there. Guiding you, pulling you.......giving you strength on the days when you feel weak. Trust in what you cannot see......what you can only trust in......blindly........ I wonder sometimes where my faith in all things unseen comes from? Was it from growing up in church?......Watching it all around me?.......Did it come to me when I was pushed to some limit and the notion of it gave me some peace?.......Did I find it on my own? Was it modeled for me through the people I have loved and admired?.....Did it evolve as I traveled my life journey? I guess maybe the answers to all of those questions is yes.....all those pieces being woven into MY faith tapestry.......I do have faith, lots of it........faith for days........it is my strength source many days......My personality is to initially panic a bit at the beginning of a huge challenge.....however in short order I find my way to my faith......I trust the journey.....I accept that it must be on the map of my life.....must be a chapter of my story.....whether I understand it or not......and often initially it is a not.........especially these days......In my life I have always had all that I have needed, all of those gifts showing up right in time......right when I needed them the most......my instincts and heart guiding me.......leading me to the moment when I say AHA.......I get it now Lord.......I see why it had to be that way......That faith guiding me, and in my darkest moments calling to me, saying lean on me Jenn.....I GOT YOU.......just trust, let go, everything will be OK......everything will work for the greater good.......I know you don't understand now, but you will.........That faith has splintered out from faith in my life's journey.......my faith in God, to my faith in people, some of that faith being misplaced......however even in that moment.....when I discover that my faith was taken for granted.......not appreciated, used in some way.......I never feel sorry that I had that faith to share........never wish I hadn't extended that to another......because even in those moments......faith is still at work, working for my greater good......for THE greater good.......a little faith goes a long way for sure......but a little bit can move mountains....I am counting on it.......