I wrote before about this past week, and what it looked like in my astrological chart.....and Venus the planet of love and beauty, was to arrive in my 7th house of marriage and relationships, and remain there until October, and then move into another house that is relationship based in October.......I spoke of my patience regarding it......and not attaching disappointment or anything else to it if it did not happen.......and saying that is not to diminish my belief or faith in all of it......I have come to learn a lot about astrology, and besides how fascinating it is to me.....it has been proven to me over and over that it is in fact real......tangibly so.........and it is what I believe to be our divine guiding system given to us by God to guide our lives.....the power of the universe and all of it working together in harmony......so that we can travel the path that has been set before us and learn what we are supposed to........so after saying all of that......Venus did indeed show up on Thursday.....and while I cannot give too many details for now, suffice to say it was clear to me.....and surprising some but in other ways not......and now it is a story that will continue to play out over the next few months......and here is the thing, what emerged is something, and a situation that has had a mind of its own from its inception.....something that is chock full of universal juju and strength, and surprises, and sometimes something that doesn't feel like it has any free will attached to it all lol:) I wish I could elaborate more so you could see why I find that amusing...... but trust me it is a divinely led sort of thing, with a mind of its own, that is beyond my ability to control in any way.......so obviously it is hugely validating to have the planetary shift show up in a tangible way.....a clear way........it is interesting to think of where it will lead......fascinating really......and it is a lesson in surrender and acceptance of what is......and while I thought in the back of my mind that it may be what showed up.....sometimes I had hoped for different somehow......easier.....but guess what.......we don't get to decide what comes, that is what I have come to understand more than all the rest......the things that touch our lives or come into our lives are meant for us.....or not.....depending......and the ride is exciting......I hope to one day be able to write about all of this clearly......and something tells me I might......but for now this will have to be enough.........My plan is to enjoy this weekend and specifically today my first day of summer! I hope you do too:) Happy Saturday y'all! :)