I often marvel at how hard people are on other people.......myself included at certain times in my life.......thinking they know what others should be doing.....or judging where they are on any given day.....and it occurred to me that sometimes people do that with children too......expecting them to do or get something when we think they should......I feel like when I had Madeline I realized that when she was ready to do something she would, and trying to force it or make it so was futile.......I feel like it is the same for grown ups......we are only ready when we are......when our brain clicks into a space where clarity comes rolling up, and helps us navigate whatever has been challenging us......I have recently come to clarity in a few spaces of my life, and in doing so my readiness stepped forward, and when I was trying to force it to be so, it just wasn't working, this just feels better......we should give ourselves grace and space to work through what we need to.......to find our way to acceptance and readiness....the fact is we never know the journeys others walk in their lives and I have learned what lies on the surface is sometimes not the whole story......in fact it never is.....and it is the deeper stuff that we need to swim in with a person to understand their truth.......so the grace and understanding we try and share with ourselves should most definitely extend to others......when somebody is ready they will.......true.......and maybe they never will......and that isn't our business either.......people are entitled to their walk and their timing in this life.....and if I find my judgey spot being poked I need to back up and look at the whole picture.....and just understand they are not ready......forcing is futile......flowing is where it is at.......I feel a little freer today in a situation in my life......that required my readiness.....my clarity......my own understanding bestowed upon myself......allowing myself to be ready.....to release it......so much of life is understanding when to hold on and when to let go......that is true......how do we know when we need to hang on and when we need to let go? I think it comes from the price we pay for the holding on.......what price are we paying to stay versus to go.......so if I start feeling stuck I need to remind myself of the notion of just being ready......and when I am ready for something I do it.......this next month holds a lot of deadlines......lots of things I need to be ready to accomplish and do.....and it feels sorta overwhelming at the moment......like a mountain all its own......but when I reach June 10th.....it will all feel much better.......and it is much better if I just do what I am ready for on any given day and not spin too far ahead into the future......just as a baby walks when they are ready......we do the same......so today I am offering grace to myself and to you too! Pass it along to somebody else too! :)