I have been divinely led from the moment he left.......and maybe that is unfair, I mean true to my belief I have been divinely led always......I believe we all are.....by the incredible force that exists out there......some believe it to be God, others the Universe, and on and on.....and really it doesn't matter so much what you fancy that force......I accept that people believe what they want.....but I think collectively we can all agree that there is something way bigger than us out there, and that the magic of the Universe is endless.......so to that end I have always felt protected and cared for in my life......and as I got older and became more aware, I would begin to realize the inner workings and how some things felt very meant to be.....and that the moving of my pieces felt like they fit......and then toward the end of my marriage when the world got complicated.....painful.....sad......and the weight of the affair threatened to crush us both.......all those feelings and the chaos that was being caused by all of that was my sign to get out.......but I didn't know........but now I do.......when a situation brings bad feelings and chaos, that is the signal it is time to let it go......so the last year I have been divinely led TOO, but maybe the difference is my awareness of it has amped up.......like somebody WOKE ME UP, and the signs, intuition, and spirituality that guides me is all around me......so clear for me, and I can feel what is for me as I become lighter and more soul driven and excited, and I can feel when things deplete me and when it is time to let go of whatever that is......so I have been battling a situation for quite some time......one I had a hard time removing myself from......until yesterday......when it became crystal clear that I needed to......I had meditated in the morning to listen to my inner workings......I did a guided meditation on decisions.......and in the meditation it asked me to ask for a sign in response to my question.....so I did.......a dragonfly.......I have asked for them many times in my life since my sister passed and they always show up to guide me........it was the sign we experienced after her passing......so I asked for that.......as the day progressed yesterday, it became clear I had to cut the tether that was attaching me to this situation......and I did........so then I reached out to my astrology friend, to see if there was a giant planetary shift that occurred yesterday, causing such a decisive action for me, in a situation that I had previously felt indecisive at best......and indeed it was confirmed that there was......that beautiful planetary divine guidance......a planetary shift that asked me to take decisive action in terms of valuing my self and surrounding my sense of self......but then......later......there were folks from Kettle Creek, doing a lesson with my class.......preparing for their field trip.......and all of the sudden the speaker starts to share about the life cycle of a dragonfly and begins to go on and on about it;-).......and I smiled to myself.......hearing the sign loud and clear.......and there it was.........and the haze that had settled over my intuition in this situation lifted.....and it became crystal clear......and I was so grateful for that........I needed that.......and I believe that guidance exists for us all......if we can filter out the noise or the things that don't serve us, the things not meant for us......and live in our authentic selves.......so we can move forward in a real way......and that is what happened for me yesterday.....a beautiful release of the final tether making me feel stuck......and when I cut it levity and peace were returned to my soul........what a gift!
Divine guidance........and true freedom........