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Change is coming......

I have written about my novice nature in terms of my workout and the one I have created for myself.....and as of late some of my novice ways have backfired some, and I knew it was time to consult with somebody that knows what they are doing and make some changes....the cool thing is the changes I felt I needed to make were confirmed by her.....I have been weight lifting and doing full body every day.....I but hear me out......I had tried to do a leg day and an arm day and I felt I was losing ground.....and when I was doing 7 pounds it was fine, but now that I am lifting more, and using the bands, I feel I am undoing some of my progress by doing it daily.....and I am not eating enough protein......I also knew that......SO to that end my workout will be switched up, and my diet, and I am super excited, because that means yoga can go in those in between days! A goal of mine for quite sometime.......I did yoga when I was pregnant with Mads weekly for a bit and it was awesome.....even once a my new goal is to increase my intensity and reps and sets on my lifting days, push myself harder......and then give my body time to rest and build muscle.....and do yoga and boxing and some running in between.......and the truth is my regimented, routine, self discipline side can be both a blessing and a curse.....because I will continue on with something......if it works, not thinking of switching it routine has essentially been the same for my workout for the last year plus and I am never bored......I have added some things to challenge myself but you get the idea.......when I find a routine that feels good, I settle in......and it is a place for growth for me, for sure........ that I am now conscious of......and seeking to expand in those grow what I am seeking to do now......and pushing myself out of my comfort zone even more, and changing stuff up and plugging adventure in as much as I is funny our nature, the true nature of who we are, is really a thing......we all arrive at it honestly.........and I am most definitely in the creature of habit camp......but as I expand my fitness goals and desire for the places I want to go, it helps break that.....I have new goals....and new things to achieve.......and I plan on doing that.....and I am wildly excited about adding yoga, and gaining more flexibility and stretching more.....I also am tackling some nutritional pieces to tweak too......and revamping that.....and it feels good to be on the edge of adding another healthy habit to my list of daily habits:) Will keep ya posted!

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