We do a dance with people in our every day lives....."The Dance".......are patterns and things that ensnare us with the people we know or love.....and our power lies into not getting sucked in to the dance.......I have found since I have changed quite a bit.....decided to look at stuff, and work on healing and change, that there are people in my life that want to drag me into old patterns and stuff, since it is comfortable for them......they haven't done much changing, and therefore think the dance is the way.....and I have to say when you consciously resist the dance, it takes a lot of time and effort, self control, and stuff to move past it.....and not participate in dynamics that are troublesome.......so......there it is.....and I am learning to resist, and not participate in things that lower my feelings and vibration.....if we come from the standpoint that people are who they are.....they may never change, and it is up to us to accept who they are, or move along.....and sometimes moving along isn't possible, and sometimes it is.....but we don't have to suffer at the hands of anybody, we just don't........I have had some strange things happen with people since my ex left.....including our new dynamic....and I have marveled at it.....wondering the why of it all.....but really just accepting it....and nobody can take away who you are, or the good deeds you have done, or really any of it....but they can make you see stuff you never thought you would, and question what you knew about them, and maybe people in general.....but that dance is strong in them.....and it doesn't have to be in you......you can decide not to participate, or just walk away.....we tell kids that with bullies.....well I suppose there are bullies at any age....and what people do has everything to do with them, not you.....and sometimes it is hard to remember that.....and I have said that many times in my blog as a reminder to you and me.....and so I guess this morning's goal is to remind you to not allow yourself to be invited into the dance....maybe you have a dance with somebody in your life that is problematic....and troublesome.....and you find yourself caught up in their stuff and stepping into it.....you don't have to.....you can step away from the dance....and choose not to dance:) Craft a different narrative, break a cycle, respond differently.....lay your ego down, and just focus on you......focusing on you is the way.....people that focus on others have trouble facing themselves, and taking others inventory feels better.....so just don't let them....decline the invitation to the dance:) I have learned a lot from my ex, and resisting being drawn in to stuff that doesn't serve me....and choosing peace instead....and it is a muscle that is still growing and evolving.....and I don't always remember before I am up in it.....but I am much better than I once was:) Sometimes you gotta sit the dance out:) I hope you do today too! Happy Friday! Enjoy:)