Last night was every way....I went to see the Stevie Mac Experience yesterday and met up with was lovely.....we met and had a drink or two, and an appetizer, and lovely conversation and laughs......the kids are with their dad this weekend so I was glad for the plans to have.......and something fun to do. Then we walked over to the Milford Theater and heard the music of Stevie Nicks and they did an amazing job......just a great show from start to finish.....I love music.....every bit of feeds me in a way that is so necessary and powerful for the woods:) And so I blissed out.....enjoying friends, and music, and smiling, and laughing, and dancing.....and then came home and Face timed my guy....and had a lovely time doing that too. :)Sometimes we get perfect days, and we need to be mindful of appreciating them I think.....reveling in the perfection and beauty.....there was a moment at the end of the concert where they played "Songbird" and that was a song that was sung at my wedding.....and the woman singing it did an amazing is a beautiful song....which was why I had chosen it all those years ago.....but grief bubbled up.....the melody and words bringing back the memories of once upon a time.....and long ago....and all the promise that day held......remembering the way he looked at me, that day, and how over the moon we against the world.....and it was a reminder that things change and life rolls on and even when it leaves us with scars.....we can still overcome....finding our way.....I had just had a conversation with a friend right before the concert, while we were out, that reinforced what I have overcome since his leaving....and she spends some time with my daughter, and is impressed with my daughter and what I am showing my children.....and the lessons I am leaving with them......which felt there is that contrast I speak of.....a moment that happened that was so sad and poignant for a moment.....and then bliss the remainder of the night.....and I always marvel at those grief moments.....when they come swooping in and grab you for a second....and when the singer hit the piano, and I realized what she was playing, I braced myself......knowing it was coming.....and I just let it.....let it wash over me.....let the grief find me.....a few tears filling my eyes, and then I carried on......overall the night was pure magic.....and I enjoyed every note, every word, every interaction, every bit of every bit! :) I will definitely see them again when they come back in town! Yay for live music and great friends and perfect nights! Happy Sunday:)
About last night!