So I love to go to is one of favorite ways to spend my time.....seeing live music...and sometimes I am better, and more intentional about it than others....and awhile back an ad came up on my FB feed advertising candlelight concerts and they are all over the country, and the world!.......And they set up a TON of battery operated candles throughout the venue, and a string quartet plays the music of_______________ fill in the blank.....all popular artists.....Taylor Swift to Pink Floyd.....and last night we went to see the music of Adele......and it was such a lovely experience......I took my kids and parents, and it was part of their Christmas gift......experiences over stuff right:) And it seemed like the perfect way to kick off my boy's 18th birthday stirs his soul too.....having Williams Syndrome the part of his brain that receives music is twice the size of people that have Williams Syndrome FEEL music deeply in their souls and that is true for him in every way......he feels every bit of it......and enjoys all kinds of music daughter is musical as well, and my parents love music and I was hoping we would love it.....The performances are an hour.....and you need to arrive a half an hour early....and once you are seated you must stay seated unless there is an as not to disturb the experience:)....and the entire experience was meditative in a way.....the candlelight.....the presence for an hour.....the peaceful environment.....the amazing music..... and the musicians were so so talented.....and I looked over at my kids and they were mesmerized and just digging the entire thing, and it touched my heart.....I love when we can share something together that goes in the core memory slot in such a beautiful way....another adventure to be had.....and one of the musicians was narrating the performance in between songs, and had some interesting facts to share about Adele and some of her songs which I also found interesting:) They then announced that they would be downstairs to take pictures with people if they wanted at the end....and Gabe was all in:) So both of my kids got to take a picture with them......and they were so excited....There was peace in that place last night, and I talked the other day about it being well with my soul, and intentionally feeding my soul in the ways it needs to be fed.....and this was in line with that:) It was just what my soul needed.....I would love to do it again sometime! It would make a great date night too.....this venue was in Allentown, but they have them everywhere! Check it out if you are able:) Happy Saturday! Let the celebrating of Gabe continue:)