To be honest I have been anticipating this Election Day with some has become a volatile world we now live in politically......My daughter even gets the tension, by the ads she hears, and the things people say to her, and around her......I do not speak politics in my home.....I feel it is an overwhelming sort of topic, and filled with so much personal stuff, that I think to each his own......we all have our reasons for voting the way we will today......and the divisiveness, and the hate is more than enough in my opinion, so I will be glad when this day passes.....and I am hoping that things will not meet a fever pitch whichever way it goes......but that is not the purpose of this blog, I stated the other day I don't have any desire to go into politics in my blog:).....but what I do take great comfort in is trusting the outcome....whatever happens today will be divinely orchestrated in our collective, just as I believe in my own little today's outcome, in my opinion, was already written in the stars......God is in the details of the aftermath....and I trust it all.....even I am not concerning myself with the chaos of the day.....not getting wound up, or all up in it, at all.....I am going to vote....and then blow my on report cards, and stay off of social media......the energy of it all is not something I want around myself or my is the beauty of no longer having cable news in my home, coloring the feelings surrounding us, and it is lovely....and I say none of this to discount the importance of it all in the grand scheme of the future etc.....but there are pieces I will not participate in.....I used to feel like I needed to use my voice to impart change, and share my thoughts, but I think the political climate has become such that people have long made up their mind....and there is not a lot of gray......the issues have become so big and loud, that everyone has chosen where they much so, I sorta pondered the effort people made in campaigning in town for their if that was going to sway anybody??? Maybe I am wrong, but I am not sure there are very many people on the even today.....I feel the peace and light of the divine order of things.....and the universal stuff that touches down in my life, will touch down today and by day's end we will know who will lead our country for the next four years....and my only hope is that on the other side we can all find a way to be united again.....and in the meantime I spend my efforts connecting with people in my tiny world, that speak my language, not always my political language, but the language of my heart and soul, and that feels like enough:) Have a good day! Try not to let the climate of the day reach out and grab ya....:)