I am going to put my coach hat on for a moment......I have been working with some people on goals.....and I know I have said it before and maybe before again....but it bears repeating in case somebody else out there hasn't heard it, or maybe is ready to hear it......CONSISTENCY is everything........everything......it is what we do EVERY SINGLE DAY that adds up......and that is the secret sauce to it all.....if we look at our lives, and see what habits we have in our daily life, that is what we are growing......period.....what we are eating, reading, drinking, spending time doing, all of it.....and asking ourselves where those things lead is important.....what are you growing??? And anytime I feel frustrated with the speed of a goal I have, I look at the consistency I am implementing and see if it is in line with where I want to be.....and it isn't easy....I am not minimizing the challenge in remaining consistent but it is everything......I had a sick kiddo home yesterday and I did chores all day....cleaning my kid's rooms, always a mom's favorite lol:) And went and had my paper notarized for Gabe's guardianship......and did some other cooking and food prep....and put consistency in motion toward some of my goals.....we walked to get Gabe from the late bus stop even though my girl wasn't feeling well.....she wanted some fresh air, and it was beautiful yesterday.....thought it might do her good.......that 40 degrees though! Then we had a surprise visit from an old friend, and they dropped something for Gabe's birthday....and it was lovely....they got to see the kitchen and catch up.....had some dinner and hit the bed....I slept like a rock.... the night before I had been up with my girl not feeling well most of the night....I don't think what she has is too cruddy....think it will pass....I am fortunate that my mom is coming to be with her today....I am feeling the squeeze of taking off lately, needing to for all sorts of logistical things, and it adds up quick, and then throw a sick kiddo in the mix and well....you get the idea.....but I am doing my best to make consistency my north star.....the thing that keeps bringing me back to my path.....and the thing I use every day to help me....I have been upping my exercise goals....my long term goal this year is to get my hands on a used treadmill again....and get it set up, and going in my workout room....I miss my treadmill.....so manifesting a treadmill is on the docket:) I am watching consistency take hold with my clients, and excited for them to feel the power in that.....it is a game changer for sure! Have a great day! :)
EVERY single day........