The world is getting intense....and the divide is growing deeper.....and I have not shared my political beliefs in my blog intentionally....I do not think it is the place for it.....and I plan on continuing that policy.....but here is what I will say.....from all outward appearances the climate of our country will continue to become more and more divided......the division feeling even deeper, than it has been for quite sometime.....and it seems we are headed into a new chapter collectively and that we are stepping into a year of great change in so many ways....and what I believe so deeply, and what I want to write about today, is that it will be paramount to hang on to ourselves.....I mean the true essence of who we are.....not allowing ourselves to get swallowed up in the the nastiness and the divisiveness.....I have already made moves in my life for years to that end.....I don't watch the news.....don't have cable.....and purposely so.....I don't believe being flooded with that, would be good for my spirit and my well being.....being on social media will alert me to the big news of the day.....I also do not speak politics whenever I am able......unless I am with a person that feels the same as myself......there is no point in engaging in a heated debate, and letting it color your day and life, battle ramming and hitting walls.....nobody will be changing their mind engaging in it all is foolhardy.....and that does not mean I am not open to other's opinions.....quite the opposite, I enjoy when I hear something that challenges my beliefs, and helps me understand something in a different way....or at the very least helps me better understand why a person I care about feels the way they do......Because I believe our political beliefs to be so personal.....rooted in stuff that runs deeply in us.....and we come by it honestly....I really believe we are wired the way we are.....I really do....our life experience colors it but it has much to do with who we are....and mine have evolved over the years based on the life I have lived, and the things I have question.....and my faith and my compassion for the human condition plays into some of it too.....But I write about this today to give food for matter what happens in this world from this point forward, or whatever temperature things take, I am choosing peace.......I am choosing calm.....I am choosing joy.....I am choosing love......I will not get swept up in social media debate or poisonous posts......I just won't......I have often thought along this path that I am on, and it feels like indeed the world spins round us.....the big world I mean.....but then there is a smaller of our choosing, that spins around us.....and that is the one I am interested in and hanging on so tightly too.....the content I feed my spirit, and my life.....and the lives of my children....and my mission is clear.......I am here to help as many people as I can in this life.....either through teaching, or coaching, and that is what I intend to do:)
Hanging on tight-