With my soul......"It is well with my soul" is one of my favorite sayings.....because there is such power in those few words....and I heard a song last night that expressed that.....I have found my way to some spiritual artists that resonate alongside my other music loves.....my love of music is eclectic for sure:) But there are some young talented artists out there that speak to my soul......and our soul is so important....I think that is one of the takeaways I have taken with me......life is busy and crazy, and so many other things right? And paying attention to our souls is not always easy.....what our souls want or yearn for.....and I feel like I am finally hearing the desires of my soul.....inspiring me to make sure it is well with my soul......whatever IT is.....and there are times in the stillness, and in a meditative moment.....or a moment when I am hearing a song that speaks to my soul where I feel that wellness.....where I feel the magnitude of the healing I have sought to do....and the peace that reigns there....there may always be spots within where deep grief and hurt live.....I have accepted that......but it is not the pervasive state of my soul......and I know that due to the deep resonation I feel, and emotion that overcomes me in those moments.....goosebumps sometimes too.....:) That is the best right? A moment so powerful it sends shivers down your body......and while my life has been challenging.....there is also a richness that comes on the wings of those challenges.....the rattling of my cage so deeply that allowed for me to be fully awake and alive....and being plunged into solitude, and darkness to really hear MY SOUL......and maybe that sounds hokey to some..... I get that....unless you live something, it is hard to put yourself in somebody's shoes, and believe that their assertion is true.....but it is true.....and I seek to tend to my soul....I believe that if we don't that is how we end up spiraling into places not meant for us.....letting the soul lead the way:) Listening to its whispers, and yearning, and feeding it.....when I am in the woods with my kids I am feeding my soul and hopefully theirs too:)......when I am teaching I am feeding my soul.......when I am coaching another woman with a broken heart I am feeding my soul......when I am in my home, where peace reigns, listening to music I am feeding my soul......when I am meditating and praying I am feeding my soul.......when I connect with family and friends I am feeding my soul......and the list goes on.....and tending to our soul matters....of that I am certain.....and I am so very grateful that it is well with my soul indeed.....and I hope it is with yours too:) xoxox
It is well......