Mads had started with a cough Friday night....just a cough nothing else....but our main plan this Saturday was to attend a baby shower.....which one cannot do with a coughing kid....she was coughing a lot, so we didn't end up being able to go.....and so I picked up groceries and gas for my blower, and cozied in.....I chalk painted two cabinets in my dining room.....a friend came on her way from the shower to drop us food which was lovely, and we had a visit Saturday to Facetime hang with my fella some too......and then the kids and spent Sunday and Monday hanging and relaxing together.....and I am not sure there is anything I like better.....I have liked the recent times I have been out in the world.....and traveling some....but being home for a long weekend with my family is up there.....Mads and I did some Valentine's decorating....she got to sleigh ride with the neighbors.....and we just hung out....and I made late breakfast for us each day, and dinner and we just enjoyed our new this morning finds us all having a two hour delay....BRR......and I am looking forward to this week with anticipation.....Gabe is turning 18 Saturday....I know right?? So hard to believe....and I had purchased tickets for my parents for Christmas, and for the kids and I to do this Candlelight concert in Allentown, it is the music of Adele, and I think it will be fun for Friday night, and then I am having some family here on Saturday to make dinner and have cake for our boy....And I am trying to figure out some way to celebrate Gabe at school this week.....with his friends.....for his 16th birthday I did pizza with the football guys and cake.....I am still thinking on it....I want to have a graduation party for him with his that is on my radar for summer....too much going on right now to pull it all off and have an 18th bash....but we will celebrate him for sure! The Friday and Saturday celebration will be a good start:) And I got panicky again thinking of him turning 18 and graduating and all that grips my chest for a minute;-).....if you know you know:).....but I lean into my faith and trust of it all and know it will all fall into place just like it has, and my kids are my life, no question....and I know they will be grown one day, and it will be just me potentially....depending on how life goes, and so I know this time that is stretched out before us is precious, and I treasure every second.....starting with every cozy snowy weekend we get to spend together:) Enjoy the day and stay warm:)
Just perfect.......