When you kick into pure survival mode for a span of time it is easier to become unconscious, and the last couple of months, really the second half or so of this year, has found me in some of that......and when you only have so much energy to do what needs to be done right in front of you, sometimes the stuff that grounds you goes by the wayside....I have missed the woods.....desperately....not getting into them nearly enough....and the absence of them is felt deeply.....the woods have become a place in this world that feels so safe....so healing.....so nourishing.....and a place that replenishes what gets tapped in life stuff.....so come the new year we are back at it.....the weekends I have the kids will have a hike housed within that weekend no matter what:) I am grateful they love it in the ways I do....something about the stillness that is found there......the conversations we have while hiking are my favorite........and I know that being in nature doesn't speak to everybody, just based on how we are all wired, but for those of us that it does speak to, it speaks the loveliest of languages.....as soon as I step foot in the forest I can feel every piece of me relaxing and lifting......there are medicinal powers housed in trees, of that I am convinced.....so it is exciting that my love of the forest, and all things nature has inspired my kitchen now......like having a piece of it in my home.....using this deep green to nod to the trees....and all of this earthy building material, wood and stone to create the rest.....we picked a different backsplash yesterday that will look lovely....and I cannot wait for my slate floor......My living room and my dining room flank my kitchen, and my living room is light....and I plan on painting the dining room the same.....and the forest in between;-) Bringing the peace of the forest into my home:) the absence of nature and meditation some is being felt.....the circumstances of life and the renovation has thrown off my flow......but I am eager to get back into it all soon....as the new year takes hold.....adding those things back into my discipline and routine.....letting them nourish myself and my children in the ways we need.....as for this week it is about survival, teaching the week before Christmas is not for the faint of heart lol:) Yesterday despite the two hour delay was the longest day ever lol:) I suspect today will be similar! Home stretch! I think the holiday break will find me putting my house back together and wrapping it all up! At lease that is my hope! SO appropriate as we move into a NEW year! Have a great day:)