It has been a long time since I have written about them.....but the analogy rings true......always......when you are hanging onto something, or some situation, and it is making your hands bleed.....the razor blades digging is time to let it go.......I have had to let lots go and maybe over and over......and over again......and the happiest folks are the ones that can do that.....and I guess life is a dance of when to hang on, and when to let go.....when to stand your ground, and when to flow and let it all go......and deciding when to implement both........I think it is toughest for the folks that struggle to let go of anything.....hanging fiercely to it all......attached to outcomes and things and kitchen I think is a good example of my letting is taking longer than anticipated.....and I have been living in this weird food prep space, and my house is in disarray for a couple of months.....and instead of focusing on that part......I am focusing on the gratitude I feel for having my kitchen done soon.....that it will be beautiful and perfect for me.....and not attaching to the end date of has evolved and unfolded as it has been a pleasant contractor being thoughtful of us every step of the way......and a really lovely human to boot.......and wow what a Christmas present right:) So I am not sweating the end game.....I am just trusting the unfolding.....the moment I have been envisioning for four years.....standing in my completed kitchen is closer than it has ever been and that is enough.....and if I had attached to the timeline and the delay of it, or to the fact that I don't have a kitchen.....a perfectly pleasant experience would have been is what we focus on......and the mindset we bring to it all, period......and if we focus on the negativity and the uglier parts of the world, well then our world becomes that way....I am patiently awaiting its completion, knowing the wait will have been worth it.....most things are like that:) So in the meantime I need to catch up on Christmas stuff and get at least one of my trees up! My daughter has a tree in her room and a huge Santa and that makes her happy....I have a Chrstmas tree in my bedroom....and my son doesn't have a desire for one in his;-) and I will get the one up in the living room to ready our lives for Santa:) And I am not sure if it will all come together before Christmas.....the passage of time speeding up! But it is fine.....I will just trust the end game.....choosing to not grasp tightly to razor blades.....and refusing to hang onto the stuff I cannot change.....not letting my hands bleed.....releasing them and finding peace and ease! Let those razor blades go! What is bugging you? Can you change it? If not find a way to accept it or let it go:) Enjoy the day!