The way always does....a way that is not wrought with resistance or road blocks....the way that unfolds in front of you......The pieces just lining right up....and sometimes..... really understanding that, finally.... makes me wish I could impart that to more people......the peace of relying on the kitchen occurred that way....I had a client that knew a guy....and they both had a heart for my project, and she gave me the kick I needed to meet with them, and begin to lay out the design.....we spent hours one Saturday morning, as I verbalized my vision for it, and they listened and supported it.....and bounced ideas.....and then the rest of the way appeared to the finished kitchen.... one piece at a time manifested itself....showed itself....and now I trust what unfolds from here.....I knew with every fiber of my being that my kitchen needed to be done....not just because the kids and I live here, and need a kitchen....but because one day I will likely move along from this place and selling it without a kitchen is not a possibility.....I had met with a realtor who said people don't want to buy a place that is a project....especially without a kitchen, so this kitchen was also for my future self, whoever she is....and whatever she will be doing.....but in the meantime enjoying it, and living in it is exactly what I wanted to, and needed for now.....and the peace in the way is everything....and I suppose now I am struck by how many years of my life I found myself fighting the way....or finding myself up against resistance, as I was ping ponged back onto my path.......veering off the path, or trying to make things work that just didn't......and the ease of sliding into the way feels so much requires me to get quiet enough with myself to hear myself....and do what I need to do, following intuitive now I will trust the way, to paying off the kitchen, and continuing on my journey....and revel in the gratitude I have for putting a check mark on a big to do thing on my list....My kids are thrilled that it is done bothered them.....but the always appears if we let it....and in the perfect time......the way has also been proven in my love story too....showing itself....every step.....and in coaching.....and just all of I have come to rely, and have faith in the way....and now that I know how it feels.....consciously......I know which way is for me indeed.....not seeking to ever forget again.....Happy Monday:) enjoy the day!
The way will appear..........