It is kind of a dramatic term right? Making it seem like the vision needs to be huge or least that is how it sounds to is a notion I have been thinking about on and off lately......coming up in different parts of my my old life my vision was simple.....wanting my kids to be healthy and happy.....and get to do fun things.....and be well marriage to endure......and maybe a kitchen renovation or new bathroom along the way;-) .......not much really and it was OK.....but I have come to realize it did not hold the biggest part of vision casting and that is my new life my intention for the vision I see for my future is very is one with a plan.....with vivid detail.....and on a grander scale.....not that I want a mansion or a Lamborghini, I mean I am not 10 anymore LOL;-) I used to, as a kid, think of mansions and fast cars as a way of arriving somewhere and dream of stuff like that, it is a amusing to think of now;-).....but I digress;-) SO what I was saying was that my vision now is for many things bigger than me for sure......but it has no finite limits like it did once upon a time....the vision casting and the dreaming is a constant and evolutionary experience....continuing to evolve and adding to it as I go......and maybe it is within the freedom I now live in that makes this feels like what I need to do....or I guess more importantly I want to do:).....but today I am taking the kids back to the beach for our new tradition.....a September beach day! Last year it was magic, barely anybody there, and just beauty and peace to behold in every direction......and I suppose that is part of what I was thinking of my old life I likely wouldn't have convinced anybody to join me on the beach today, and likely succumbed to post crazy work week fatigue, and just said screw it we will stay home and just be......and OK.....there is a place for that in life.....a place I too enjoy......but not a lot of magic is found there.....and now despite my worn weary I feel after a CRAZY busy week this week, I AM ALL vision of the day leading my steps.....inspiring me and helping me push past all the rhetoric that held me stuck I will pack a picnic......we will leave soon.....have our lunch on the beach in the sunshine and listen to the waves.....spend a few hours playing and relaxing and then come home......having been happy for the experience......vs staying here and doing laundry that will still be here tomorrow and the next day lol:) I guess my point of all of this is that living with intention.......intention to follow your dreams.......intention to live a life you want to every single day matters......and putting a cap on those things should maybe be is not that the sky is the limit, the only limit we have is the one that is found in our minds.......and I remain committed and mindful of not letting that get in my way! ENJOY today, whatever that means to you! :)
Vision casting.......