My divorce has shown me so much.....the lessons endless and the lessons still coming....and it has freed me in so many ways......and allowing me to release worry and anxiety completely......I am free in that way completely.....and wow, just wow....but more than that I have learned to let go of so much amid my divorce and new life....I no longer attach to outcomes of anything.....Last night Mads and I finished decorating.....and my Taurus is a creature of habit.....she decorates each room the same way, and the way she likes it year after year.....going all in on my trees in each room.....and this year due to the kitchen renovation I may only have my living room tree downstairs.....and the two upstairs....and more than that my white lights quit.....and I had colored ones handy.....and we went with them.....I always admire colored lights but I am a white light gal so it was a lesson in surrender indeed:) and a lesson in letting it may seem small but it is a way to use that new muscle I have found, and just lean in and accept it......and so my decorations are way different.....I do have my little mannequin tree up:) I love that little tree! But my point is if I had rolled around in the kitchen renovation holding up my Christmas decorating.....or the change in course with the lights.....or any of it.....I would have been unnecessarily unhappy......we don't have to be unhappy over things we can't change.....we really don' is the number one source of unhappiness.....lamenting about what cannot be changed....instead of embracing what is.....and Gabe was the first person to teach me that.....and then that built as my journey maybe you can relate to "what are you fighting for or about??? Something that may be a colossal waste of your time and effort! Some battles are worth raging, and some well......they just aren' I have one beautiful room that is ready for Christmas.....and Santa.....and that feels like enough....and I am getting a new kitchen for Christmas:) Did I mention that! All is well and Mads and I had a blast.....they head to their dad's this i wanted to get it done before for this year it is perfect just as it is, and I am grateful for my new ability to roll with the flow so much more easily.....not fighting stuff just flowing, and gosh it feels so much better:) Happy Saturday:) Enjoy the day! :)
What are you fighting for???