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Who are YOU??

This is a powerful notion......we think we know a person, and then something happens that shows who they are, and then we can't unsee it......or we think we know all the things a person could be capable of, and then find ourselves stunned.....and that is so challenging....but that is a part of life that we are all familiar happens every day.....and the world keeps a spinning.....but that is only one piece of who we are or who the people around us are.....we get to decide who we are going to be, and how we are going to show up.....and I wrote the other day about being conscious and willing, and how you can do almost anything with those two things in tow.......but which kind of person are you? Are you an I GET TO, or I HAVE TO person......this came up this week again.....and I felt it was powerful to explore again.......what happens when your feet hit the floor?? Are you feeling blessed to be a part of whatever is ahead, or are you complaining and lamenting about all you have to do?? Both things feel very different.....and our mindset is huge...I have said it OVER and OVER and maybe OVER again:) shapes our reality in the biggest ways.....each and every we get to decide if we are going to feel burdened or blessed.....and spoiler alert, feeling blessed feels;-) no matter that is not to say that those on the "I get to" side don't feel irritated or frustrated.....because we do, it is just that the shift to positive mindset stuff happens quicker and there is not a desire to stay in that "I have to" stuff.....and I believe that you can retrain your brain......I believe that inherently people are more inclined toward "I have to" or "I get to".........but that is not to say there cannot be a change in ourselves....and I have written about this before....but I feel it is more important than ever maybe now......the energy everywhere is kinda heavy......and doing all we can to keep our own vibrations up matters......deeply.....and nobody wants to be around a person that is constantly complaining about all they have to is can almost feel it as I type this I write this today to have you ask yourself.....where does your spirit lie at the moment.....positivity......or "I get to".....or "I have to".....feeling put upon, OR blessed......we can feel blessed NO MATTER what our story has been......and it is never too late.....I truly believe that with all that I is short and precious, and there is so much we GET TO do that so many other folks wish they could too! Don't miss seeing it all:) And if you aren't seeing it all yet......keep looking for it, I promise you will find it:) Happy Wednesday:)

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