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Whose voice is that anyway??????

This notion has really hit me in the last couple of weeks.....what we believe shapes how we lives our lives....and often times those beliefs come from the people around us, or the ideas and thoughts we formed when we were children.....or really early on in life....and it is key to have quality people in kid's lives so those beliefs become positive ones.....but even when you have that, you may adopt beliefs that are NOT your beliefs....and this chapter for me has been about exploring that......when something comes up, and I believe, or say something that I think is mine, and then realize it isn't any longer......and it feels amazing to shed things I have been carrying for so long that are just not mine....and whose voice is it anyway?? Like where or when did I start believing it.....who influenced it??? It is why it is crucial to teach kids to think for themselves.....we try so hard to do that at school, to give their minds a voice.....but it isn't always easy......they are used to being "fed" ideas, and thoughts, maybe more than ever with the computer and videos replacing real learning and real critical I think thinking for yourself, and being brave enough to do that is key......standing up and standing in our beliefs no matter what.....and that means the small ones or the big ones......making sure we are the ones that believe it.....and the voice we are hearing speaking about it to our hearts, belongs to us.......I could go on and on about all the beliefs I have challenged, and shattered, or reframed in this chapter........but that isn't the point of this blog is more to show that not only are self limiting beliefs important to challenge, but so are the ones we adopt from others.......and I think to take it a step further and say we should be careful that we don't do the same to our kids.....trying as often as possible to have them think for themselves, and figure out what they believe......separate of us....and I think it is OK to make our beliefs about the world and day to day known and transparent, but those are not the beliefs I mean......I mean the subtle ones.....the ones we instill without even saying a our actions or by the things our kids pick up without us even realizing..........or by saying a passive comment related to them, and our children take that one without realizing where it came from.....and I think that piece feels the most overwhelming to me sometimes.....making sure that my children are not taking on messages or things that are subtle in nature.....that I don't want them to carry.........holding a standard around them that doesn't burden them with stuff to sort through I guess it is still all in line with consciousness and what I wrote about the other day.....remaining all ways......not allowing ourselves to kick into autopilot....but stay clear on that......So I guess why this came to me, is that as I am walking in these mini storylines within my life at the moment.....I am hearing things ring in my head from the past and challenging them.....asking myself whose voice is that anyway?? Certainly not mine:) And then replacing it as needed! With MY own voice, and my own belief, and it feels good when it comes up to consciously do that! What do YOU believe.....just YOU??:) You might be surprised to find out! Have a great Monday:)

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